I have recently completed a scavenger hunt where we had to go to a series of landmarks within Second Life.
The first place I went to was the International Space Museum within Second Life. Initially I found it to be quite odd because I have never seen a museum that was outside like that. When I began to look around, I noticed that they had replicas of various defense systems and space ships from history. Each one had a small a excerpt about the space ships and some of their missions. When I began to look even further into some of the attractions that were there, I noticed that you could take a ride on a rocket into space. I began to explore the other planets in the solar system and the Hubble Telescope (pictured below). From this visit I learned about space travel of course, but I also learned about many of the functions that Second Life has to offer. The museum may not be tangible, but it shows simulations better than any museum that I have been too (including the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum).

The next place I traveled to was the Theorist Project that was built by Montclair State University. The Theorist Project is about many of the theorists that helped shaped psychological theories. I extensively visited the Sigmund Freud exhibit. It explored his theory about the id, ego, and superego and how it was reminiscent of an iceberg. To demeonstrate this, they built an iceberg in which people could enter and walk around and learn about the various states of the conscious and subconcious. After that, I went into Sigmund Freud's office and was able to lay on his couch and discuss some of his psychoanalytic theories with him. When I took psychology in highschool, I wish that I had this resource to learn more about Sigmund Freud and all of the other theorists that greatly influenced psychological theory. This resource is so great because it brings the textbook to life and makes great simulations of psychological theory.

The next place I went to was the University of Caledon Oxbridge. I think that this place was very interesting because it was set up as a place where Second Life residents could go and learn about some of the functions that you can do in Second Life. Whether it is changing your clothes or you're entire appearance, you can learn about it all at the University of Caledon Oxbrdige. The interesting thing about this place is that it is set up like an actual college would be. Like the University of Richmond, it is broken in to various colleges. Instead of the School of Leadership and School of Arts & Sciences there is the College of Camera Control and College of Communication. This is very helpful, especially for a new resident like myself because it teaches you about the basic controls that are in Second Life that can help you assimlate into the society more readily.
After my long day of traveling to outer space and back. It was back to Richmond Island for some relaxation.